I could have never imagined just how many shows there are in Las Vegas. I know that’s one of the things that immediately comes to the forefront of your mind when you think Las Vegas, but good grief. Currently on the strip alone there are 118 shows to choose from and this doesn’t even include those shows that you have to go off the strip for. Since we only had two nights to fill, options had to be narrowed down very quickly.
As a child of baby boomers that loved classic rock, Aerosmith is a staple on the radio to this day and just so happens they are residing on the strip for several show segments this year. This was a no brainer. While I’m sure the concert got much wilder in their younger days, Aerosmith definitely does not disappoint.

Aerosmith has been headlining a residency at Park MGM since April of 2019. This residency will conclude in June 2020 so you still have time to get out there.
The show begins with a small video segment cataloging the creation and life of the band. Interestingly enough, the bands original members: Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton, and Joey Kramer are still performing. The youngest of which being 68 years old.
You can tell from their enthusiasm that performing has been their life and they aren’t going to quit until they absolutely can’t perform anymore. Based off the energy in the crowd tickets sales won’t ever be a problem. Speaking of the crowd, we may or may not have been the youngest people in attendance. I think some of the outfits that we saw were the originals from the ‘80s as well.
A little interesting fact for all of us Alabama Crimson Tide fans; while sitting down waiting on the concert to begin, we immediately noticed several huge toys suspended from the concert hall rafters assumed to be special effects for the song Toys in the Attic. One of which being Big Al. For a band from Boston, Massachusetts this didn’t make much sense. Turns out the designer of the album cover, Ingrid Haenke, was a fan of the Crimson Tide and had family that attended the University of Alabama while the album cover was in the works. Just goes to show you that the Tide reaches far and wide.

For our second Las Vegas show, we were told that a trip to Vegas just wasn’t complete without taking in a Cirque de Solei show. There are seven Cirque de Solei shows running in Las Vegas at this time including: Michael Jackson One, O, The Beatles Love, Zumanity, Mystère, KÀ, and R.U.N. After much research, we chose “O”, at the Bellagio. “O” is Cirque de Solei’s first water show. The name of which comes from the pronunciation of the French word for water, “eau”. “O” is approximately two hours long and include some of the best synchronized swimming I have ever seen.

Just as with all Cirque de Solei shows, I think I could have watched the show fifty times and seen something different each time. There is so much going on constantly that you’re not sure where to look at any given time.
The characters are so talented and versatile that you spot each one participating in vastly different scenes throughout the performance. As always, the acrobatics were astounding and the talent surreal. There was audience interaction as well as two mimes, which in my opinion stole the show. The juxtaposition between the mime acts interjected in the more theatrical scenes is genius.
Unfortunately due to the nature of this performance and the safety considerations of all performers all photography and videography is banned. This isn’t entirely a bad thing however, since there is no way a still photograph or small video clip could do the show justice.
I can give a huge thumbs up for each of these shows, as for the rest, see ya next time Las Vegas!