There is a really neat tradition in Paris, France that involves the Pont des Arts bridge and an old-fashioned padlock. Tradition holds that couples inscribe their names or some message on a generic padlock, lock it onto the fencing of the bridge and throw away the key into the Seine River down below to symbolize their unbreakable love. Others use the tradition as a memorial of sorts that has nothing to do with romantic love. This particular bridge holds quite a bit of history and stands in an incredibly picturesque spot between the Institut de France and The Louvre. The tradition didn’t start in Paris, but who could resist such a great spot?
Like many traditions, this one has spread all over the world. It has made a home over many continents and states and more recently has found its way to Columbia, South Carolina and the Lake Murray Dam.
Now, fast forward to 2019 and I happen upon an article that features the bridge at Lake Murray Dam. At the time I was planning our anniversary trip and thought that would be a terribly romantic way to end the weekend getaway. Sounds simple enough right?
Before the trip I was so prepared; the lock was in the truck, I had actually remembered the key, and even a Sharpie. We were in business even though my husband may have thought this little detour was a waste of time and a perfectly good lock.
The trouble is, the article I found didn’t exactly give an exact address to find this bridge. Not to be deterred I entered Lake Murray Dam into the GPS and off we went. Y’all when I say we went all the way around the world I am not exaggerating. Only to come to the recreation area toll booth with nary a chain link fence in sight. I was so disappointed to have come this far for it to have suffered the same fate as the Pont des Arts locks in being cut off and closed down for tourist shenanigans. Now before everyone gets all excited, yes, I know the bridge eventually suffers from so much weight, and yes, I know if they were gone it would be for a reason. I was going to do it anyways.
Seeing all of the disappointment, my husband dutifully pulls up to the toll booth and starts telling this poor confused man that we are searching for the fenced bridge at the Lake Murray Dam. Once he got to the part about coming all this way to put a lock on the fence, a light bulb went off and he realized that we were just on the wrong side of the dam.
Crossing the dam, there was the fence and I may have done a small happy dance. We pulled into the recreation area on that side and were able to walk up and place our lock on the bridge. I couldn’t stand the thought of a fish eating the key though so it traveled back to Alabama instead of sinking into Lake Murray.

A small road trip that was definitely worth it. Unfortunately, we were on the way home at this point so we couldn’t take advantage of the beach or picnic areas. If you decide to take this road trip, it’s certainly a gorgeous place to spend the day. And who knows how long your lock might weather life?